The safe, natural and effective way to alleviate Jet Lag!

How it works:

  • Download the app here before your long flight.
  • Listen to the 15 minute audio at the beginning of your long flight, and you will be set for the new time zone you will arrive in. It’s that simple!
  • The first night after landing, listen to the 15 minute audio again before bed.

“I went to bed & I slept so well, it was even more helpful than I thought, I had extra energy and it totally works for me. I can’t wait to use it again!!“

Anaïs Galvin, Corporate Pilot.  Flew Citation Jet CJ4 to London & back with BBJL


“Even with a 2hr delay, I was able to get really nice sleep. I was able to do it easily. No problem at all. “

Daniela Vinci, British Airways flight attendant long haul.  Traveled with BBJL London to Los Angeles and back

“I flew from LA to Sydney with my 3 months old son — I just want to let you know … no jet lag!  i think your process worked just swimmingly!  Thank you :)“

Leila Bleecker McCauley, Mom.  Traveled with BBJL Los Angeles to Australia and back

“NO JET LAG!! Seriously NONE!! Both directions!! Did it religiously!! Just as you said. It’s a no brainer. I traveled for 22 HOURS and NOTHING! Not one THING! Under really stressful circumstances too!“

Lauren Selman, Producer.  Traveled with BBJL Los Angeles to China and back

“It works!“

Alexis Carra, Co-Founder Traveled with BBJL Los Angeles to New Zealand and Los Angeles to Sweden and back


“It was such a simple process, I was surprised! ByeByeJetLag made such the difference: I was able to be fully present throughout the seminar and also enjoyed the Las Vegas vibe.“

Rihann Pamphilon, owner Career Safari.  Traveled with BBJL London to Las Vegas and back

“Jet-lag gone.“

Lisa Bell, Entrepreneur
Traveled with BBJL from the US East Coast to Japan and back


Are you traveling and wishing you didn’t get jet lag? If you want a simple effective way to be done with jet lag while traveling, then the ByeByeJetLag App is for you!

Whether you are traveling to a conference in New York, or your honeymoon in Bali, or a vacation with friends and family in Rome, the ByeByeJetLag App will help you alleviate jet lag.

As a public speaker and the creator of the ByeByeJetLag App, I travel often and have been to over 50 countries. I used to get jet lag, and I no longer do. I am passing on my system to you. I have created a simple 15-minute guided audio for you to listen to shortly after your plane takes off. By the time you land you will be set to go for the time zone you are in. If you cross more than 3 times zones (or are if you are prone to insomnia) I would recommend listening to it again on the day you arrive, before you go to bed. Get ready to say ByeByeJetLag!

As a bonus, I am including my favorite packing list for you (scroll down).
Wishing you safe travels,
Pina De Rosa

A portion of the sales of this App will benefit #MissionWellington and his 501C(3) nonprofit.


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